JB: I wrote a book called the Identity of Man. I never saw the cover of the English edition until the book reached me in print. And yet the artist had understood exactly what was in my mind, by putting on the cover a drawing of the brain and the Mona Lisa, one on top of the other Bibliography

"For me science is an expression of the human mind, which seeks for unity under the chaos of nature as the writer seeks for it in the variety of human nature."


1. The Poets Defence (1939); republished 1966.

2. A Man Without a Mask (1944); republished as William Blake and the Age of Revolution 1965, 1977.

3. The Common Sense of Science (1951); republished 1978.

4. The Face of Violence (1954) Turnstile Press 1954; republished 1967.

5. Science and Human Values (1958).

6. Selections from William Blake (1958).

7. The Abacus and the Rose (1965) published with Science and Human Values, 1965.

8. The Western Intellectual Tradition (1960) with Bruce Mazlish.

9. Insight (1964).

10. The Identity of Man (1965).

11. Nature and Knowledge: The Philosophy of Contemporary Science (1969).

12. The Ascent of Man (1973).


1. The Origin of Knowledge and Human Imagination, being the Silliman Lectures, Yale, 1967 (1978).

2. Magic, Science and Civilisation, being the Bampton lectures for 1969, published by Yale, 1978.

Two selections of essays:

1. A Sense of the Future MIT (1977).

2. The Visionary Eye: Essays in the Arts, Literature and Science MIT (1978).


1. Journey to Japan, a radio play, BBC 1948

2. Opera libretto: My Brother is Dead, 1955

The Ascent of Jacob Bronowski

Copyright © 1999 by Stephen Moss.
All rights reserved.